ISO 10891
Certify your supervisory institution
On March 15, 2011, the Maroni Decree no. 269/2010 which, in Annex A point 4.2, reports the obligation on the part of Supervisory Institutions, to be in possession of the Service Certification according to the standard UNI 10891.
The UNI 10891 standard defines the requirements that a private security institution, of any legal nature, must possess to demonstrate its systematic ability to provide a service that always complies with the requirements of the legislation
La Quality certification it is of fundamental importance especially in relations with insurance companies, as regards the risk assessment in the matter of civil liability. In fact, in recent years there has been a notable increase in legal actions against supervisory institutions, in order to obtain compensation for damages suffered by customers and / or third parties as a result of contractual breaches.
Published with the Decree of the Ministry of the Interior no. 269 of 1 December 2010 (Maroni decree), the Regulations governing the minimum characteristics of the organizational project and the minimum quality requirements of the institutes and services referred to in articles 256-bis and 257-bis of the Implementing Regulation of the Consolidated Law of the laws of public security, as well as of the professional requisites and of technical capacity required for the management of the same institutes and for the performance of organizational assignments in the context of the same institutes.
Advantages for the company that certifies itself
- reassures customers about compliance with the requirements established by the specific Technical Standard for the private security sector
- gives credibility to the commitments undertaken, through checks carried out by an independent third-party body
- it is an instrument of communication and transparency of the quality of the service which, thanks to the third party verification activity, acquires credibility and above all guarantees the consistency between statements and actions;
- has a results-oriented approach
Certification Process
> Request for an offer from the customer interested in certification
> Acquisition of all the information necessary for the certification and issue of the offer by AX-REGISTER
> Acceptance of the offer by the customer
> Analysis of any gaps and assessment of the current compliance of the ISMS with the regulatory requirements
> Verification aimed at evaluating the implementation of the principles and structure of the Management System (applicable legislation and regulations, security policy, risk analysis, Statement of Applicability (SoA), clear and consistent definition of the purpose, risk treatment plan)
> Verification aimed at evaluating the adequate and effective implementation of the Management System, through techniques that involve the analysis of documents, observations, interviews with personnel.
> This verification is aimed at issuing the certificate
> Audit carried out annually after certification, to check continuous improvement
> The Renewal Audit is carried out after three years following a complete verification or continuous evaluation over time.
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